Why seek a second opinion?
The main goal of this health group is to change the logic of modern medicine, where technology and speed in decision-making are prioritized, where highly complex studies and treatments are requested without personalizing the doctor-patient relationship. For a good understanding of the patient and a correct decision-making, a detailed and dedicated medical history is required with time and the necessary empathy between the professional and the patients to generate from there an adequate decision-making with the commitment of the rational use of the diagnostic and therapeutic practices, considering not only improving health and prolonging life, but also considering well-being and quality of life
Dr Alejandro Barbagelata
Cardiovascular Disease Specialist

More than 30 years as a specialist in cardiovascular diseases with international recognition. Received as a physician at the University of Buenos Aires, he completed his residency in cardiology at the Favaloro Foundation, was an International Scholar at the Cleveland Clinic, a research fellow at Duke University, and Director of the heart failure program at the University of Texas for several years. He is currently an adjunct professor at Duke University. He practice in his home country in Argentina (Buenos Aires). Extensive experience in the care of cardiovascular patients with countless cases. He is a fellow of the American Heart Association and the Society for Invasive and Interventional Cardiology. He has multiple publications in the most prestigious magazines and presentations at international conferences. He is a member of the international board of the American Heart Association having represented this institution as a lecturer in multiple international conferences.
Distance medical consultations
Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic evaluation by internationally renowned physicians

How do I get a second opinion?
The consultation mechanism is as follows: The professional is chosen and a consultation date and fees are coordinated. A previous medical history must be completed, which will be accessed from this platform, including the report or images of the studies. You must download the Zoom application and on the day of the consultation you will be sent an invitation to access face to face with your doctor or health professional. If you have your family doctor, it is ideal that he is in the consultation with you
Message to patients
Unfortunately in our countries, the medical act is undervalued prioritizing productivity in economic terms and not human life.
Dedicating and personalizing patient care is a priority of this health group, where the detailed evaluation of the patient generates guidelines to work with your family doctor. We offer you an evaluation without bias by putting all our experience at your disposal, rectifying or changing the handling, guaranteeing a dedicated care adapted to the needs of each patient.